Biodiversitet ind i virksomhedens forretning
Der sker meget indenfor udvikling af bæredygtige virksomheder. – ny forretningsmodeller og nye krav til investeringer. Ikke blot social bæredygtighed og klima, som længe har været på agendaen. Nu skal der styr på biodiversitet. EU har besluttet at lægge pres på at få en omfattende ikke-finansiel rapportering (non-financial disclosure) af virksomheder, så det bliver tydeligt,…
Nature-based Solutions – a possible path to business
Perhaps Nature-based Solutions could be a tool for developing future – truly sustainable – businesses?
Why we cannot increase our dependence on nature – even by a modest 2 % per year…
Even if an area would change with a 2% or 7% growth rate per year, it is a huge problem. In the beginning you see a small use and some change, and before the last doubling time, there is still 50% of the resource left. 3 doubling times before full use, only 1/8th (12 percent)…
Circular bioeconomy inspiration for the CEO
The principles that should be utilised in developing businesses based on the circular bioeconomy concept has huge potential in transforming our world, so that the planet is habitable for people and nature. We as humans have relied on bioeconomy since the beginning of trade, however, it has not always been circular and sustainable – especially…